Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Grampa Wake Up!!

Dad was laying by Dallen and playing with him. Apperantly it was getting boring so he fell asleep. And dallen is trying to wake him up. This isnt the first time he has fallin asleep. One time he was on the computer and he fell asleep it was so funny.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bucket Boys

Mom and Tyson put my favorite nephews (Ashton & Dallen) in a shop vac. they had so much fun rolling in the bucket. They were laughing so hard rolling back and forth. It was really fun.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


These two were the only ones who built the snow cave.

This is the entrance.
My dog is leaving the entrance.
Well when we had our superbowl partymy brothers decied they would make a snow cave. The snow was almost the same height as me. So they took the tractor and built the snow cave. it was pretty cool. It fit four people. We would have gone done there the whole winter. But the snow was so deep that we didn't want to walk down there.

Monday, August 4, 2008


This is the hole family at superbowl night. This is the first time in a long time we have got a family pic. But luckly we remembered to get the pic. Jeff was the only one that voted that the the Giants and everyone esle voted that the Patriots.

My Family Rolling in the Dirt

This is my family. My mom is taking the pic so you don't see her. We do this every year. This is the only pic of us doing the branding. My sis and my nephew are at there house. Tyson is the one holdin the rope, Jeff is holding the head down, Casey is holding the the legs, Selanie is tagging it, Scott (aka dad) is brading it, and i'm just in the pic.

Latest Birthday

This is my latest Birthday. I was as sick as a dog. And the worts part was i through up. It is a bad thing to through up on your birthday. but i still held it out and had a pretty good time.

Not Very Happy

This is one of my friends at my b-day party. We had my party at the bowling alley. Well she wasn't to happy about her score. But we all had fun.

This is my New Blog

My trip to the glacier. Well we went to the glacier and we found a mammoth, no just kidding I went to the dinasour museum with my nephews and Jeff and Jennie. I am excited to start my new blog. This picture is about a year old but we found it on my sisters computer. So visit often to see what I have to say.